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Tree Pruning

There are many types of tree pruning. The most common method for pruning a tree involves pruning the deadwood. This is a healthy and natural way of maintenance. Many times, pruning the deadwood out of a tree is the natural and recommended maintenance plan. It is appropriate to prune deadwood in a tree so the tree can avoid any diseased or open wounds that a dead limb can possess.
Methods of pruning trees are as follows:

  • Crown Cleaning - Involves cleaning out the deadwood from the crown of a tree.
  • Crown Reduction - Process of reducing the overall size of a canopy. This is not to be confused with topping, as topping is not a recommended form of tree care
  • Elevating - Is when the bottom most limbs of a tree are removed to allow for passage underway, or other purposes.
  • Thinning - Cutting out interior limbs so sunlight can better pass through a tree. Also, allows for better wind and airflow throughout the tree to lessen the stress on a trees roots during a heavy wind storm.
  • Shaping - Mostly done on smaller trees and shrubs. Many times shaping involves using sheers to form a circular pattern, on a tree or shrubs canopy.
  • Clearing limbs from a structure - If a trees limbs are interfering with the roof of a house, or are growing into a street or street sign, many times these limbs need to be cut back to clear a structure by a certain footage. Keep in mind that if cutting live limbs from a tree, you should never cut more than 25% of a trees live crown ratio.
Contact B&B Landscaping, Inc. Tree Service Division for a free evaluation of your trees now!
Tree Pruning Service

B&B Landscaping, Inc. Tree Service Division provides professional tree pruning, tree trimming, and tree cutting needs B&B Landscaping, Inc. Tree Service Division rprovides tree pruning & tree trimming services. Pruning your trees on a regular basis keeps them healthy and beautiful. There are many different tree trimming methods for different species of trees, and for how you want your trees to grow.

Do you need more light to fall on your lawn so that your grass can grow? If so, your trees may need to be elevated and thinned.

Are large tree limbs growing over your house? We can prune the trees back or remove them so that they do not interfere with your house or structure.

Do your trees need general clean-up? We can prune out dead, hazardous and crossing tree limbs to keep your trees growing strong and healthy.

Our estimators will be happy to walk your property and discuss short and long term tree pruning and tree trimming programs.

Tree Pruning Classifications
Crown Cleaning

Crown cleaning of a trees canopy consists of pruning excess branches and limbs out of the crown of a tree. Pruning the deadwood and diseased limbs out of the tree is a healthy and common maintenance practice within arboriculture.

Prune Deadwood

Is one of the most common and natural techniques of tree pruning. Pruning out the dead and diseased limbs from a tree.


Thinning out the interior crossing or rubbing limbs is a common and acceptable practice. Thinning can help reduce wind resistance in a tree, thus reducing the chances of a wind storm blowing over a tree.


Elevating the lower limbs on a tree is necessary at times when limbs are encroaching on a structure, or hang low over a sidewalk or road, etc. When elevating lower limbs on a tree, it is important to take a step back and see the entire tree, so the tree is balanced after the prune.

Clearing Limbs Away from a Structure

Are the squirrels keeping you up at night, or are the branches rubbing against your house? Clearing tree limbs away from your house or structure is a very common task. The branches should be cut properly, back to the nearest lateral limb just outside the branch collar.

Contact us to schedule an estimate for Tree Pruning

B&B Landscaping, Inc., Tree Service Division
586 Chatsworth Road • Tabernacle, NJ 08088
Phone: 609-268-1800 • Fax: 609-856-9015

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